Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Silent Princess Peaches

I have not been able to write on here for several weeks because I've been harboring a secret. Considering it's my very own secret... it's the only thing I want to write about. Considering the secret is controlling my entire life... my mind could not reach beyond this secret to write about anything else. Now that my family and close friends know, I have the freedom to share my secret! THANKFULLY... because I really need an outlet to share my joys and complaints :)

So here goes... I'm growing a tiny baby in my belly and have been doing it for the past 9 weeks. I had a negative pregnancy test for so long that I've only known about it for 4 weeks. BUT NOW... I know how pregnant I am because of the moodiness, nausea, throwing up, larger (even larger) breasts, nausea, throwing up, cravings, aversions (I will buy a huge box of oranges because it's all I can eat and then decide the next day I can't stand them), fatigue, and nausea. For the record, I want throw up right now... and even while I'm asleep... I will get out of bed at 2 AM to throw up :( YUCK! These past couple of weeks have been really difficult and I'm thankful but looking forward to the next trimester.

Was it planned? Yes! Flip and I decided to place things in the Lord's hands for Fall of 2008 about a year ago. However, we were surprised considering so many sources and friends told us it could take 6 months to a year. For us it was less than a month... and we are excited, ready, nervous, and so thankful for this opportunity. We both want a large family and have done our part to get the show on the road :)

OK, now that's off my chest... I can write again! I promise to dwell on the misery of this first trimester... sorry! Only 3-4 more weeks.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Should You be Allowed to Vote?

So... I took this test (without googling any of the answers) and looks like I am pretty validated in helping to chose our next President of the United States (ahhhhh can't believe we find out tonight)! Take the test... it's fun... and thanks Giovanna... hope you don't mind me stealing your post idea.

You Should Be Allowed to Vote

You got 11/15 questions correct.

Generally speaking, you're very well informed.

If you vote this election, you'll know exactly who (and what) you'll be voting for.

You're likely to have strong opinions, and you have the facts to back them up.

Country Bumpkins in the North

So these days... that I haven't posted on my blog... have flown by. My grandparents visited this past weekend, and we had a wonderful time with them. They arrived on Friday, and we kept them busy until Sunday evening. They are from a small town in North Carolina so Boston was quite an adventure for them. My grandfather has a Southern dialect from South Carolina that can be difficult for the average Yankee to understand. There were a few times I noticed a waitress or sales clerk straining to understand him, and as a last resort requesting him to "say again." All he ordered was a salad with dressing on the side (they are strict vegetarians) for every meal :) 

We went to the Clemson/Boston College game on Saturday (they are HUGE Clemson fans) and Clemson won which made the trip that much better! We took the train home and ended up running into/standing next to Charlie Whitehurst from the San Diego Chargers. My grandparents found that ride to be quite special considering Charlie was the quarterback for Clemson a few years back. Sunday we spent the day in Maine and were able to show them the Bush Estate in Kennebunkport. 

They had a wonderful visit! It means a lot to us when our family visits us from the South... it's a looong trip up here, especially if you're determined to drive!