Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Country Bumpkins in the North

So these days... that I haven't posted on my blog... have flown by. My grandparents visited this past weekend, and we had a wonderful time with them. They arrived on Friday, and we kept them busy until Sunday evening. They are from a small town in North Carolina so Boston was quite an adventure for them. My grandfather has a Southern dialect from South Carolina that can be difficult for the average Yankee to understand. There were a few times I noticed a waitress or sales clerk straining to understand him, and as a last resort requesting him to "say again." All he ordered was a salad with dressing on the side (they are strict vegetarians) for every meal :) 

We went to the Clemson/Boston College game on Saturday (they are HUGE Clemson fans) and Clemson won which made the trip that much better! We took the train home and ended up running into/standing next to Charlie Whitehurst from the San Diego Chargers. My grandparents found that ride to be quite special considering Charlie was the quarterback for Clemson a few years back. Sunday we spent the day in Maine and were able to show them the Bush Estate in Kennebunkport. 

They had a wonderful visit! It means a lot to us when our family visits us from the South... it's a looong trip up here, especially if you're determined to drive! 

1 comment:

Liza said...

Glad your parents had fun! I love Boston and try to get there as often as possible to visit the sites. I have lived in New England for 15 years and have seen so little of them it's embarrassing!