Friday, January 1, 2010

7 months and growing...

Arthur is 7 months today. This is such a sweet age to experience as a mom. I have so many ideals on how to raise him during this phase: I want to teach him a certain level self control (pulling my hair is getting old), creativity by filling his life with personal play time, and lessons through small, everyday tasks. We have introduced signing, and I'm hoping it will pay off in a few more months. For me baby signing is more of a peer pressure (thanks to the Charleston mommies) than something I personally feel strongly about.

The second peer pressure from Charleston mommies is home made baby food! It's a bit time consuming, but at least I know I'm feeding Arthur something I would actually eat too. He loves pears and sweet potatoes. I love that he actually has food preferences at 7 months old. SO cute! Over Christmas I ended up with a 6th case of mastitis from nursing and decided it was time to wean. I know I'm crazy for stopping after the 6th time... I mean after the 3rd, 4th and 5th time I kept thinking, "Oh, I'm sure this is the last time I will ever get it!" Anyway, it has been a bitter sweet transition. Arthur doesn't seem to miss it. We are both better off this way...

Stats for the baby book, as the pediatrician says-- and I don't correct her by saying, "Oh my son doesn't have a baby book"-- for 6 months are: Height, a little over 28 inches and weight, 17'9 lbs. He was 90th percentile in height and 50th in weight.

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