Monday, December 1, 2008

Baby Peach

Today was my first doctor's appointment. I really like our doctor and the office staff... very relaxed and comfortable. Dr. R was also a Navy man back in the day and was able to do his residency during the end of the Vietnam War. So we are in the hands of a seasoned veteran in both military and medicine! 

So everything went really well... however, baby peach is not as far along as we had anticipated. This actually explains why I had a negative pregnancy test until 7 days after my missed cycle. So our little peanut is only 8 weeks and 1 day today (originally thought we were 9 1/2 weeks along), with little arms and legs and a heart rate of 165 beats per minute. 

It's pretty cool to have a look inside of your own uterus to see a tiny person growing! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! So exciting! I'll be praying that you'll feel better! I'm so happy for you!