Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How much weight???

This post is mostly for humor... because I just spent a few moments laughing with girlfriends as they discussed their weight gain during pregnancy. One of my friends shared that she gained 80+ pounds during her pregnancy (they stopped weighing her at 80 pounds) and I almost lost the chocolate I was eating (regretfully) because I started laughing so hard. No offense to anyone who has gained that much... but if we are honest with ourselves... unless we are having sextuplets... 80 pounds is unjustifiable :) Luckily this girlfriend was able to lose that weight and can now laugh at her unfortunate situation! And if anyone thinks I was rude for laughing at her... just know she would quickly reciprocate the sentiment if I had gained the 80 pounds! 

So for me...

I'm currently at a 2 pound gain, but seriously weight gain in the first trimester is not necessary so I've decided to start tracking my calories and writing down the weird foods I've been eating. I'll share Monday's menu because it makes me laugh...

breakfast: hunk of french bread and a piece of cheese
lunch: McDouble and small fry
snack: laffy taffy
dinner: Subway sandwich (major craving)
late snack: 20+ really hot banana peppers (BIG MISTAKE) and a pickle

I never eat this poorly but each of those items was a major craving. I had to have it! The peppers were devastating to my digestive system... so I really need to learn how to control myself. The nausea is getting a little better... THANKFULLY! Now I'm just tired tired tired... yawning as I type :) Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

I will reiterate what I said last night: Don't worry about it.
Eat when you're hungry. Snack if you're not sure if you're hungry. Pick when you're not so hungry.
When else in your lifetime are you able to justify this much eating? Flip will love you no matter how much you gain. It will all come off eventually..... as long as you want it to. Is it easy to take it off? No, but you seem the type who will work hard at it. Like I said, Eat now, worry later.

LaRae Davenport said...

Awww CONGRATS!!! Cody and I are so excited for y'all!! We'll be praying for you as you continue through this process!!

P.S. I would probably laugh so hard I would spit out my drink if my friend gained 80+ pounds!!

Just Dandy Blog said...

Hi Christie!!! CONGRATS on the new addittion!!! It has been great watching your cute married life through FB and I am SO happy for you and Flip!!! You were always a mom to us at LU i know you will be the best mom ever!!!!!