Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Confidence Symptom

Well... Christmas is over, and we are several days into 2009. Thankfully, I was able to enjoy Christmas because the nausea subsided and we have zillions of family members allowing us to celebrate a dozen times. We had a great time in the Carolinas, but it was too crazy and busy to write about, so.... I want to share my latest pregnancy symptom:

I've never been really insecure. I mean, I have the "normal, healthy" insecurities; however, I've never been overly confident either. For instance, I care if someone doesn't like me, or I'll think "I hope no one is looking at my butt in these pants." BUT these days... I'm the slightly chubby (pooching) audacious pregnant woman. I could care less if you like me or not. I would feel comfortable showing up in a ball gown to a super-bowl party, and if you say something even slightly offensive to me I'll call you out on it. I'm enjoying this new confidence as long as I don't become a total sassy frass. I mean, a little sassy frass is OK (I'm using sassy frass figuratively... not literally). I haven't heard of this symptom yet... but I know it's pregnancy related... everything these days is pregnancy related :)  Also, I'm still a little crazy at moments and get especially crazy if I'm hungry.... wait, there is no such thing as being pregnant and hungry... I mean STARVING. 

Last Doctor's appointment we were unable to hear the heartbeat through the doppler so we had another US, and this one was much less intrusive. The baby was dancing, kicking, punching, spinning and oh so very cute! Wish we could have captured him/her a little better... 12-13 weeks in the picture. 


LaRae Davenport said...

Christie--HOW PRECIOUS!!! Your little one is gonna be such a little cutie!

That is a hilarious symptom--on the brightside, at least it's not nausea!! Hope y'all continue to do well--i'm sure you're the cutest little preganant lady ever!! Then again, if you aren't, I doubt you'd care..hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pix! And by the way....I actually had to google sassy frass. hehe. I thought you meant being sarcastically sassy. Nope! I learned a new term today.