Friday, January 9, 2009

NFL and the Bachelor

It's Saturday night and I'm sitting next to my husband watching the Carolina Panthers (our hometown team) battle the Arizona Cardinals. It's a pretty pleasant evening as the snow is falling outside and hibernation is my natural inclination from December to March! However, spending a Saturday night watching football... with the constant stopping and whistle blowing... no thanks! Thankfully, the Bachelor is on and we are recording both programs... watch a little football, then switch it over for some comic relief with the Bachelor! 

I love the Bachelor because I find nothing more enjoyable on television than watching women who are beautiful, dumb, and overly confident. Women that have lost total touch with reality (though completely annoying in person... I know a few) can be ironically endearing and entertaining on television. I mean, who doesn't love the squealing, giggling, pageant smiling, and corny one-liners. One contestant was interviewed in her pageant attire... she had on her tiara, sash, and gown... I loved her for that. Another girl described and showed us her vision boards. These boards consisted of magazine word cut-outs describing her perfect man... and NO she is not 17. I can't wait to meet the rest...

Unfortunately, my interest in the Bachelor wanes once the most entertaining girls are left flowerless. Until then... I'm going to respect and enjoy this show's comedic value! 

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