Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear Arthur,

Arthur, you have brought us so much joy and love in these past four months. I look at you everyday and literally squeal at your preciousness. I give you hundreds of kisses and sing you silly songs all day long. Not a day has gone by when I have not prayed for you. Before you fall asleep, I lay my hands on you and pray that God will keep you safe, help you grow big and strong, and for you to love the Lord with your whole heart. We are so blessed that God gave you to us!

You are a curious and focussed baby. You love to sit in your sling close to me and observe the world around you. You study people and objects for an unusual amount of time. You love your jumperoo and anything you can stick in your mouth! You love your Daddy, and you give him the biggest grins when he comes home from work. Bath time is probably your favorite time of the day and you have learned to enjoy it to the fullest while soaking the kitchen. You talk to yourself in the car. You chat away with mommy and daddy for long periods of time. You are a terrible napper... you think 15 to 30 minutes is enough time to be asleep during the day. You make up for it by sleeping 11 to 12 hours at night! When you are tired you rub your face. When you are fussy you calm yourself by sucking your little fingers. At 4 months you weigh 14 lbs and you are 26 inches long. You need lots of love and attention because we have spoiled you with it from day one! You love your crib aquarium, aka Baby TV. You love the actual TV too, but Daddy doesn't like for you to watch it. You love to be around lots of people and find yourself content in anyone's arms.

When you rolled over (right at four months) I screamed with delight so loudly that you jumped. When you received your first shots I cried with you. When you jumped in your jumperoo for the first time I called everyone that loves you to share the exciting news. It's amazing to watch you grow and learn. You can reach for your toys and play with them now. You can grin and giggle.

Now I understand why moms believe their children are the greatest things since sliced bread! I am so in love with you. So, I hope you always know that you are one LOVED baby, and this is just the beginning!




1 comment:

Kari said...

You've sold me into wanting to be a mom someday...what a sweet way of putting things!!