Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blogging for the first time (as Princess Peaches)...

I have to admit... in college as a Communications/PR major I created a blog on blogspot.com for one of my writing classes, and much to my dismay this blog is still idly sitting in cyberspace. Of course, it's lacking any sense of depth or character (knowing me... I did it last minute and met the minimum requirements of the assignment) so considering it no longer portrays Princess Peaches, I will not share the address that links to this wasted web space. I was, however, able to enjoy a bit of nostalgic laughter! 

So who is Princess Peaches?... Or who in their right mind would name themselves something so seemingly vain and infantile? If you know me and you're thinking "she would," I'm hurt ;) But to explain the name... It has been bestowed upon me by my wonderful husband, Flip. Flip loves the morning like an old man, and me... not so much. In fact NOT AT ALL. So mornings for us can be comical/rough/interesting/unpleasant. It's the only time of day I get away with being a total.... (fill in the blank.) So of course calling me Princess Peaches is the perfect "sarcastic" diffuser for any bad mood. I mean, what girl doesn't love being called a Princess? I'm always left smiling and satisfied... "That's what she said." (oh... yeah, I'm an Office fan) 

I'm a 20 something, social, loving, discerning girl from North Carolina living in the Boston area with my handsome husband... Flip is an intelligent, practical, patient, kind Naval Academy grad serving this wonderful country as an officer in the US Navy. However, he is currently taking a 2 year hiatus to pick up a Masters in Engineering (Aeronautics/Astronautics) from the infamous MIT. So... yes, I am totally married to a Rocket Scientist! 

There is "oh so very much more..." but that's what this whole blogging thing is for, right? 


Flip said...

Hi Love, great post!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club!
I have to admit, I haven't even read your post yet. I just ran to the comment section....but Flip beat me to it!
Ok...now I gotta go back and read the post!
Congrats on the blog!

LaRae Davenport said...

You are so precious! Looking forward to reading more of your life in Boston :)

Anonymous said...

Did I say how much I love Sarah Palin?